Review of solid fuel boilers made in Ukraine

Assortment of models from Russia, Ukraine, Belarus

The market offers a wide range of heating devices that can provide heat to both large and small rooms or entire buildings.

Models from manufacturers from the CIS countries are popular among consumers. They are better adapted to work in local realities. On this point, they are able to give a head start to European or American-made models, albeit somewhat inferior in functionality.

Models made in Ukraine are of interest to the buyer. Such gas heating boilers are best adapted to work in local conditions, and manufacturers clearly understand what difficulties their products will face during operation, so they offer reliable and durable models.

Devices from Ukrainian manufacturers are offered in a wide range - every buyer will find a model suitable for themselves in terms of cost and performance characteristics.

Models of Ukrainian production are offered:

  • In floor and wall versions;
  • Various capacities (there are devices that are convenient for use in an apartment or house up to 100 square meters in area, and there are gas heating boilers whose power is enough to heat entire production facilities);
  • Single-circuit models and gas double-circuit heating boilers are offered;
  • There are models with additional options.

General information about Ukrainian gas boilers

Functional gas boilers made in Ukraine, the price of which depends on the model and specification, are characterized by ease of operation and ease of adjustment of settings. They can be installed on the floor or wall in the kitchen, boiler room or any other room. Although Ukrainian gas heating boilers may have design differences, they all work on the same principle. They need natural gas as fuel, which is used to heat the coolant. When the gas enters the sealed combustion chamber, its energy is transferred to the coolant, then the liquid, using circulation equipment, moves through the radiator system and helps to heat all rooms in the building.

Properly selected Ukrainian-made gas heating boilers will become an effective, reliable and functional element of the home heating system. To choose a successful boiler, you need to familiarize yourself with the current offers on the market presented by Ukrainian manufacturers of heating equipment, and also identify the main design and functional differences between the various models.

Differences in the assortment of Ukrainian manufacturers

Gas heating boilers from Ukraine are offered in a wide range and with a lot of differences, which will allow each buyer to choose a model according to their own requirements and needs.

Compact boiler

The buyer is offered single-circuit devices designed exclusively for heating rooms, and double-circuit devices - capable of heating a room and at the same time heating water for the convenience of residents.

Models available with different types of installation.

A large selection of manufacturers will simplify the decision making - each company that offers gas heating boilers has advantages that can interest the buyer.

Among the major manufacturers we name the following:

  • ATON is a Ukrainian enterprise offering products on the domestic and international markets. Gas boilers from this manufacturer are economical and highly efficient;
  • ATEM is another large Ukrainian and global manufacturer offering cheap but high-quality products;
  • Danko is a company specializing in heating equipment: boilers with various types of fuel, convectors, etc.;
  • Mayak is a large Ukrainian plant that has been producing boilers for a quarter of a century;
  • Colvi-Termona - offers cheap and popular models in the CIS countries;
  • Thermo-Bar is a successful combination of Czech and Ukrainian production, launching high-quality, reliable and durable devices on the market;
  • Ross is a diversified association that also produces reliable gas boilers.

Donbass “cauldron” for Ukraine

A headless body is not just a sign of poor eyesight, but also evidence of brain amputation. You understand this by watching the actions of the Ukrainian army, which looks like a rapidly running headless chicken. No, Ukrainian generals, of course, have heads, but one gets the impression that these heads are not intended for thinking, but for wearing military caps.

Anyone who watched the military parade on Khreshchatyk on the occasion of the next Independence Day could not help but pay attention to the Ukrainian generals, decorously lined up next to their supreme commander-in-chief. You look and understand that they are not just “commanders”, but eagles! One is more beautiful than the other! Everything is as chosen. And this beauty is also tightly hung with some shiny pendants - awards for parquet battles within the walls of the Ministry of Defense. When you see such pretentious luxury, you understand that in Ukraine, general is not a rank, but happiness.

What’s interesting is that while Petro Poroshenko menacingly shook his fist from the podium at the enemies of Ukraine, read poetry, talked about widespread patriotism and promised to make the Ukrainian army rich in the very near future, in the Donbass the armed forces of the DPR, without pretentious statements, slammed the next “cauldrons” with seven thousand Ukrainian military personnel. Such a gift to conscientious Ukrainians on Ukraine's Independence Day.

According to the DPR army headquarters, in the area of ​​​​the settlements Voikovsky, Kuteynikovo, Blagodatnoye, Alekseevskoye, Uspenka and Ulyanovskoye, the following fell into the “cauldron”: the headquarters of the 8th Army Corps, the 28th and 30th mechanized brigades, the 95th airmobile brigade of armed Ukrainian forces, as well as the Aidar, Donbass and Shakhtersk battalions. And in a smaller “cauldron”, in the area of ​​​​the village of Yelenovskoye, in addition to Ukrainian military personnel, there were the “Azov” and “Dnepr” battalions.

Such a set of encirclement can easily be called “The Dream of a Donbass Militiaman.”

After a column of Ukrainian prisoners of war was led through the central streets of Donetsk, the headquarters of the DPR armed forces casually reported that at the moment the encircled groups of the Ukrainian Armed Forces were being systematically destroyed. For Ukraine, this sounds sad, since in the previous “Southern Cauldron” about six and a half thousand Ukrainian soldiers and officers were surrounded, of which about four thousand were killed. At the moment, the strength and organization of the DPR army is an order of magnitude higher, so the scale of the new military disaster of the Ukrainian Armed Forces may be more significant.

The current situation is further complicated for Kyiv by the fact that, simultaneously with the encirclement of the Ukrainian southern group, the Donetsk army began a fairly rapid offensive in the direction of Mariupol. Its advanced detachments are already in Novoazovsk. There is panic in Mariupol itself. The Ukrainian leadership of this city was evacuated to Dnepropetrovsk. T.N. territorial defense battalions are gradually being dissolved. There is virtually no one to defend Mariupol. On the way out of the city towards Zaporozhye there was a gigantic traffic jam on the highway. The National Guard is fleeing en masse, using all available vehicles.

Facts indicate that the war has reached its turning point. The destruction of the most capable units of the Ukrainian Armed Forces that find themselves in the “Southern Cauldron” and the exit of the DPR armed forces to the coast of the Sea of ​​Azov can completely break the offensive potential of the Ukrainian army. This, in turn, will lead to the fact that tactical counter-offensive operations of the armed forces of the DPR-LPR in the near future may develop into a large-scale strategic strike. It looks like Zaporozhye will soon become a theater of military operations.

As I remember, at one time representatives of the Ukrainian army and the National Guard were very indignant that the country’s political leadership did not give them the order for a full-scale military operation in the Donbass. The brave Ukrainian generals and officers were deeply convinced that as soon as Bankova said “fas” to them, they would tear apart the “separatists” in a week, completely “cleansing” the rebel provinces of the anti-Ukrainian “nepotrib”. The self-confidence of these warriors was absolute. Obviously, at that time, their Maidan euphoria had not yet passed.

In the end, their dream came true. Poroshenko became president and gave the army the command “FAS”. After this, tanks, howitzers, multiple launch rocket systems, helicopters and attack aircraft were used. Kyiv strategists planned to end the ATO within a few days. And suddenly it turned out that the quick, victorious military campaign in Donbass was a stupid bluff of not entirely smart people, and the conceit of the Ukrainian military bordered on cretinism. Simple Donbass men with machine guns suddenly turned out to be more effective fighters than the entire Ukrainian army combined. Strelkov’s detachment, which defended Slavyansk for several months, became clear confirmation of this. The Strelkovites were able to resist for a long time regular units of the Ukrainian Armed Forces, which outnumbered them tens of times in terms of numbers and armament! “The stupid rednecks of Donbass,” which for conscious Ukrainians are the residents of Donetsk and Lugansk, have somehow inexplicably turned into a formidable force, capable of not only protecting themselves from the punitive and terrorist measures of Kiev, but also coming to the capital on a return visit. It is no secret that now in the Donbass there are a huge number of people who dream of placing long-range howitzers in Troyeshchyna and in a couple of days demolishing not only Maidan and Bankovaya, but also half of Kyiv with artillery fire. The bestial cruelty of the Ukrainian punitive forces awakened a terrible destructive force on the ancient Cossack land. And, most likely, to the destruction of Ukraine.

The phenomenon of Slavyansk itself showed that Kyiv does not have a full-fledged and capable army. And this was no secret to anyone even before the start of hostilities. Starting a war without an army and military allies is not just a stupid adventure, but outright madness. But, nevertheless, Kyiv started the war.

After Slavyansk, having become convinced of the ineffectiveness of the Ukrainian Armed Forces, the Maidan leaders relied on massive attacks on the rebellious cities with heavy artillery and aviation. Ukrainian generals and the political leadership of Ukraine proceeded from the fact that the total destruction of the populated areas of Donbass would make their defense pointless and impossible. Up to a certain point, this tactic yielded results. Demolishing everything in their path with the help of artillery shelling and bombing, the armed forces of Ukraine began to gradually compress the ring of fire around Donetsk and Lugansk, finding themselves on the outskirts of the capitals of the rebel republics. They were followed by punitive battalions of Ukrainian neo-Nazis, carrying out mass executions and executions of the “wrong” civilian population.

However, the deeper the tank wedges of the Ukrainian army plunged into the Donbass, the more fierce and effective the resistance of the militia groups became. And this, at first glance, chaotic defense had its own clear strategic goal - to exhaust and bleed the advancing enemy as much as possible. In fact, Donbass used the traditional defensive strategy of Rus', which consisted of gradually absorbing the invader's army. There was no clear front line in Donbass. There was no strength or sense to organize it. The militia only held key territories, gradually “enveloping” and “digesting” enemy units. In fact, the Ukrainian army, with the tenacity of an idiot, chopped tank columns into the viscous “swamp” of the militia, which gradually and inexorably absorbed them. The Ukrainian Armed Forces' strikes mostly went into vain, most often causing death to the civilian population. At the same time, Donbass militia units methodically “ate up” the strike potential of the Ukrainian army without much harm to themselves.

First of all, the DPR-LPR was tasked with neutralizing Ukrainian air superiority. Taking into account the scale and efficiency of Ukrainian aviation, this was not difficult to do.

At the time of the outbreak of hostilities, the Ukrainian Armed Forces had approximately three dozen Mi-8 helicopters and twenty Mi-24 helicopters. Moreover, at best, half of them were capable of getting into the air.

The militia's hunt for Ukrainian rotary-wing aircraft yielded quick results. The losses of combat helicopters were so high that they ceased to exist as an important military factor within several months.

After this, the process of methodically destroying the attack aircraft of the Ukrainian Armed Forces began. At the time of the outbreak of hostilities, the Ukrainian army had three dozen Su-25 attack aircraft (299th Tactical Aviation Brigade) and two dozen Su-24 fighter-bombers (7th Tactical Aviation Brigade). At the same time, of all the Su-25s available to the Ukrainian Air Force, about 14 aircraft could take to the skies, and only eight from the Su-24. Most of this “aviation armada” was destroyed by early August. The remaining attack aircraft are no longer capable of exerting a fundamental influence on the course of hostilities.

Ukraine still has several dozen MiG-29 and Su-27 fighters, which Kyiv is trying to use as bombers, but their use against ground forces is ineffective and at low altitudes fighters are just as easily shot down as attack aircraft.

Thus, by July, the superiority of the Ukrainian army in the air was completely neutralized.

After this, the main task of the DPR-LPR armed forces was the methodical destruction of armored vehicles of the Ukrainian Armed Forces.

No one knows for sure (except for the Russian Ministry of Defense, which studied this issue in detail a year before the war) how many tanks and armored personnel carriers the Ukrainian army actually has. There are thousands of Soviet armored vehicles in the warehouses of the Ukrainian Armed Forces, but most of them are scrap metal. According to some reports, in general, Ukraine can force up to a thousand, more or less usable, tanks to move and shoot. Considering the scale of hostilities in Donbass, this is more than a serious military potential. A tank formation of 300-400 vehicles, reinforced by armored personnel carriers and infantry, could by itself destroy any defense of the militia, which still does not have a sufficient amount of artillery.

However, the overwhelming superiority of the Ukrainian Armed Forces in armored vehicles is offset by the lack of the necessary number of trained tank crews and army command capable of effectively commanding such a tank armada. That is why the Ukrainian army is forced to use relatively small tank groups in the combat zone, the largest of which do not exceed 6-8 dozen vehicles. At the same time, not reinforced with combat-ready infantry, Ukrainian tank units, especially in the conditions of large urban conglomerations, become very easy prey for the Donbass infantry, which is currently supported by artillery and tanks. Moreover, as practice shows, the DPR-LPR manage to use their heavy weapons as efficiently as possible, as evidenced by the constantly emerging “cauldrons” in the combat zone with surrounded groups of the Armed Forces of Ukraine.

Ukraine's reserves of tanks and armored personnel carriers are significant, but not endless, and at the moment they are beginning to dry up. This is directly evidenced by the fact that the Americans began to transfer trains with old Soviet armored vehicles to Ukraine from Eastern European countries. This is the first sign that the strategy of the Donbass army is bearing fruit - the Ukrainian Armed Forces are rapidly losing stocks of their heavy weapons.

And finally, no less, and perhaps a more important element of the strategy of the DPR-LPR army is the process of continuous, large-scale destruction of personnel of units of the Ukrainian army and the National Guard.

In recent months, the extermination of Ukrainian military personnel, national guardsmen and militants of various territorial defense battalions has acquired simply catastrophic proportions due to a series of “cauldrons” in the south of the theater of military operations. All this is beginning to resemble to a greater extent not a war, but a giant meat grinder into which Kyiv continuously sends thousands of conscripts who are mobilized but not ready for war.

In fact, the same pattern is repeated: the next group of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, with the support of tanks, deeply enters the territory of the DPR in a motorized wedge, and after this the militia cut off attacks from the flanks and the attacking Ukrainian units find themselves surrounded, where they begin to be methodically destroyed with the help of heavy artillery. At the same time, Kyiv has neither the strength nor the desire to unblock the encircled units. They are simply abandoned to their fate. In fact, the war of recent months has turned into a series of bloody “cauldrons” with the mass destruction of soldiers and officers of the Armed Forces of Ukraine.

If we are already summing up the preliminary results of the military campaign in Donbass, then it is necessary to state that at the moment the armed forces of Ukraine have not been able to carry out any of the strategic tasks assigned to them.

Firstly, the Ukrainian Armed Forces failed to cut off the DPR-LPR from the Russian-Ukrainian border.

Secondly, the Ukrainian army was unable to dissect and isolate the territories of the rebel republics from each other.

And thirdly, the armed forces of Ukraine were unable to encircle, much less capture, Donetsk and Lugansk.

At the same time, as of August, the Ukrainian army had lost its most combat-ready infantry units, was left without aviation, and is now rapidly losing armored vehicles.

If the “Southern Cauldron” named after Independence Day is destroyed in the same way as the previous ones (and this, most likely, will be the case), then by the end of September the armed forces of Ukraine will lose their offensive potential. And this, in turn, will mean a turning point in the war.

At the same time, it is necessary to take into account that at the moment Donbass already has a fairly large, fired, volunteer (and therefore well-motivated) army, which was able to move in its organization from disparate militia formations to a centralized system of army command. If in the initial phase of the battle for Donbass the militia fought with sticks and hunting rifles, now the united army of Novorossiya has heavy artillery, tanks and armored personnel carriers. At the same time, judging by the effectiveness of combat operations by the DPR-LPR units, the backbone of the Donbass armed forces consists of experienced military personnel capable of planning and carrying out military operations at least at the level of brigade formations.

Generally speaking, we have to state that the Ukrainian army has already reached the peak of its strength and now its military potential will only decrease (due to objective reasons that have developed not only in the combat zone, but also in the rear), and the DPR army The LPR is just beginning to move towards the peak of its strength, and its military potential will only increase. This process will be especially intense if new regions in the south and east join the rebellious republics.

In fact, at the moment, Donbass has become one big “cauldron” for Ukraine, from which, apparently, it is no longer able to escape. Each new month of the war inexorably brings the death of the country closer.

ATEM boilers

The range of ATEM boilers includes a lot of different models.

ATEM brand boiler

Every year this manufacturer produces over 100 thousand units of products, and these include floor-mounted, wall-mounted, double-circuit and single-circuit gas heating boilers.

A notable feature of the models from this manufacturer is their operational safety. They are equipped with Italian automatic equipment and are equipped with several stages of checking the functionality and suitability of the device for use.

The high efficiency of these devices is achieved through the use of low-flame burners made of stainless steel. Such details help reduce the dimensions of devices (even devices that are small in size and weight can provide high efficiency - up to 93% of fuel is burned).

The manufacturer's range includes simple gas heating boilers and those equipped with additional functionality. The first models are non-volatile; they do not require a connection to an active electrical network to function. The latter will require a connection, but they offer a lot of additional functions.

The buyer can easily select the appropriate model, focusing on the power, convenience, size or cost of the devices offered.

Boilers from ATON company

Gas heating boilers under the ATON brand will allow everyone to choose a convenient device for any purpose - models are offered for floor installation and wall mounting.

ATON boilers

The range includes models with a closed combustion chamber of various capacities. The simplest models are single-circuit (designed to heat a room), with a power of about 7 kW. The gas consumption in such devices is 0.8 cubic meters per hour.

These models are purchased to heat a small house or apartment.

More powerful or functionally rich devices are also produced.

In particular, ATON dual-circuit models are offered, capable of heating a room and providing hot water to residents.

Such a device is capable of producing a rated power of 20-80 kW.

The model range of this manufacturer includes high-power gas heating boilers, which can be safely purchased for large premises, individual office or industrial buildings. Here, too, there is a choice - floor-mounted, wall-mounted, double- or single-circuit.

ATON is a company with more than 15 years of history, a leader in the Ukrainian market, cooperating with well-known European manufacturers of heating equipment and parts for them.


So, the division of Aton boilers is carried out as standard:

  • At the installation location.
  • According to functional criteria.
  • By type of traction.
  • According to the ignition method.
  • According to the criterion of full use of natural gas.


Here, as usual for boilers, there are two groups:

  1. Floor-standing. This is a bulky type of equipment with high power, which is used to heat buildings with a large area. Currently, the manufacturer offers two subtypes: steel and cast iron. The first uses a heat exchanger made of steel pipes. In the second, a cast iron sectional heat exchanger is installed.
  2. Wall-mounted. These are compact heating devices that use either a copper or steel heat exchanger. Essentially, this is a mini-boiler room, which includes a circulation pump and an expansion tank, as well as an automation unit.


According to this criterion, Aton boilers are divided into:

  • Single-circuit. They are used only for heating the heating system coolant. Their design allows you to heat water in a separate boiler.
  • Double-circuit gas boilers Aton. In their design, a different heat exchanger can be used, which provides hot water to the DHW system. The heat exchanger can be separate plate, made of steel, or bithermic coaxial. Some models have additional storage water heaters installed.

Traction type

And in this case, the design of Aton boilers has two varieties:

  1. With natural cravings. This type of heating equipment operates with an open draft, that is, the air intake to support combustion is taken from the room where the boiler itself is installed. Therefore, special requirements are imposed on this room.
  2. With forced draft. A closed combustion chamber is used here. Carbon monoxide is removed by a specially installed fan, and fresh air is supplied from outside the house. Currently, the manufacturer offers two models: turbo and inflatable.

The lineup


  • Piezo ignition. This is a non-volatile design that is turned on by an installed battery; the process is done manually. The wick usually burns continuously.
  • Electronic ignition is a volatile installation. But she has a big advantage. Everything works automatically. For example, you set a temperature upon reaching which the boiler turns off completely. As soon as the coolant temperature drops to a critical minimum, the boiler turns on automatically.

Fuel usage

  • Heat release by convection.
  • Condensing boilers.

Danko and Mayak boilers

No less popular are products from Ukrainian manufacturers Danko and Mayak.

The Mayak plant divides its products into two types - industrial (with high power, large dimensions) and household (compact and functional devices intended for use at home).

Boilers Mayak

Household ones are offered with a closed combustion chamber, floor-standing type. Such gas heating boilers offer power from 7 to 16 kW, which is more than enough to heat a large room or a small house.

In addition to single-circuit models, devices are produced that can also provide hot water supply (for this they are equipped with a separate circuit, which is why they are called double-circuit).

Mayak offers cast iron and steel models, equipped with electronic ignition or completely energy-independent.

Danko boilers are offered in a wide power range - there are gas heating boilers with a power from 2 to 140 kW. They are distinguished by a simple and reliable design, which has a positive effect on the durability and maintainability of the device.


The Danko company has been on the market since 2002.

In the model range you can see solid fuel boilers with a power from 12.5 to 50 kW. All of them have individual design and quality. There are several options that run on gas fuel. Wall-mounted units have a capacity of up to 23 kW, parapet units - 7–15.5 kW, floor-mounted units - 96 kW.

The Danko company provides a quality guarantee for its products for up to three years and guarantees high productivity of up to 91%.

Popular series of Danko gas boilers are discussed below.

Danko - 23 VKE / Danko - 23 3KEThese are Ukrainian middle-class gas boilers with a power of 23 kW. They have two circuits. Installed on the wall. They have an open and closed combustion chamber, as well as two heat exchangers (the main one is a copper heat exchanger for heating water in the heating circuit, the secondary one is a stainless steel plate heat exchanger for supplying hot water). The series has compact dimensions and a modern attractive design. They function perfectly at reduced pressures down to 2 mbar. The design is equipped with electronic ignition and an anti-freeze function.
Steel gas boiler DankoThe series is represented by a wide range of models with a power range from 8 to 24 kW. The letter “B” means that the boiler has a water heating function. The letter “G” means that the boiler has a horizontal flue. There are both single-circuit and double-circuit models. Tubular heat exchanger made of 3 mm steel. The average efficiency is 91.5%.
Cast iron gas boiler DankoThis is a series of gas floor-standing boilers with a cast iron heat exchanger. They have an open combustion chamber and one circuit. The power of the models varies from 16 to 50 kW. Working pressure reaches 0.2 MPa. Coolant outlet temperature up to 90°C. The models are characterized by high heat transfer, resistance to rust and a long service life (more than 25 years). The efficiency is 90%. Danko cast iron gas boilers operate in open and closed water heating systems, with forced and natural circulation.

The following are Danko solid fuel boilers.

Danko-TLThe model range includes nine items. All boilers operate on solid fuel, namely coke, wood, coal. You can also use shavings, pellets, sawdust, and peat briquettes. The units are designed for heating rooms up to 470 m², in systems with forced and natural water circulation. The series is easy to operate and maintain. The service life can be up to 25 years. The Ukrainian-made solid fuel boiler has a durable cast-iron heat exchanger and a water-cooling grate. The efficiency is at least 75-80%
Danko-TNThis Ukrainian-made long-burning solid fuel boiler has a steel heat exchanger and operates on solid raw materials, namely peat, wood, and coal. The model range includes four items with capacities from 12.5 to 27 kW. The service life of the units is more than 15 years.
Danko-TThe model range is represented by three items. These are Ukrainian solid fuel boilers with a steel heat exchanger. Raw materials used: anthracite, coal, wood. The units have a modern design, are distinguished by reliability and quality. The total heating area is 720 m². Designed for heating individual residential buildings and other areas.
Danko AKTVThis is a solid fuel boiler, represented by the Danko AKTV-15 and Danko AKTV-20 models. It has a steel heat exchanger and a cast iron stove for cooking. Suitable fuels include wood, coal, and anthracite. The total heating area is up to 200 m². The special design allows you to adjust the cast iron grates to different levels and rationally use the boiler depending on the time of year outside the window.

You can also turn to Czech and Russian solid fuel boilers.

Colvi-Termona, Thermobar and Ross

Colvi-Termona is produced in Chernigov. Gas heating boilers from this manufacturer are distinguished by their unusual design, more typical of European models, high quality and affordable prices.

It is noteworthy that Colvi-Termona offers devices not of purely Ukrainian production, but jointly with the Czech Republic, whose household appliances have been gaining popularity in recent years.

The Ross company is a large production association that has proven itself well in the Ukrainian heating equipment market.

Ross boilers

For over 25 years, this organization has been producing heating equipment and producing a lot of models intended for home and industrial use. We offer different types of installation - floor and wall models, devices of various capacities.

Ross gas heating boilers are of interest to buyers for their affordable cost, reliability, and ease of operation.

Thermobar is a large Ukrainian manufacturer offering highly efficient gas heating boilers, characterized by low cost and high quality. Models from this manufacturer have been awarded certificates and diplomas at international exhibitions.

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