11 best hygrometers for home - high-quality and accurate devices

Indoor air humidity is one of the most important indicators that determine the microclimate in the house. If the temperature and speed of air flows can be approximately determined by personal sensations, then it will not be possible to say how much water is in the volume of the room “by eye”. How to determine air humidity? To do this, use either a device for measuring indoor air humidity or improvised means.

They all have individual precision and order of use.

The issue of temperature measurement was discussed in a previous article.

Physical concept

Humidity is the content of water vapor in the air. The comfortable existence of living organisms, the possibility of the development of living nature, and the safety of materials are possible only with certain values ​​of this parameter.

It happens:

  • absolute;
  • relative.

Absolute shows the amount of water vapor in a certain volume. Most often measured in g/m3. It has no practical significance, since it is impossible to determine whether the humidity is normal or not, knowing that the amount of water vapor is 10 g/m3.

The maximum values ​​vary depending on the air temperature. At – 30°C this parameter is equal to 0.29 g/m3, at 0°C – 4.8 g/m3, at + 30°C – 30.4 g/m3. The maximum value is reached at a temperature of 100°C (boiling point of water) and is equal to 598 g/m3.

Relative is determined by dividing the current humidity value by the maximum possible at a certain temperature, multiplied by 100. Humidity is measured as a percentage. It is widely used in weather forecasts, the composition of food products, and the characteristics of industrial, warehouse and residential premises.

Bottom line

By controlling the level of humidity in the room, you will help eliminate the likelihood of mold or mildew developing on various surfaces. It will also keep your body healthy. That's why a hygrometer was created that will make your task easier. There is a fairly wide range of these devices in stores, which allows you to choose the right hygrometer for yourself.

When choosing, look at the accuracy of the device's values. Not everyone needs instruments (meters) that display ultra-precise readings of relative air humidity levels. Most buyers are satisfied with approximate values ​​when determining. The air humidity in the room and the accuracy of the readings depend on the technical component of the meter.

First, compare the technical characteristics of a particular type of moisture detector. A device that is chosen at random will cause a lot of frustration during use and will not meet all the requirements. You will only ruin your nerves and mood and waste your money.

Therefore, after purchasing a determinant, keep the receipt for it so as not to encounter future troubles. Thanks to the receipt, the hygrometer can be returned to the store if it does not meet your requirements. Buy a quality determinant to protect your room! You will be able to maintain home coziness and comfort.

It's flowing through the windows

Excessive moisture in the air literally has a deplorable effect on the condition of the objects around us. The inner surface of the windows becomes covered with drops of moisture, which flows onto the windowsill. Bed linen, clothing, and fur products acquire an unpleasant damp smell and are inconvenient and unpleasant to use.

Food spoils and is impossible to eat. Enclosing structures and finishing become covered with mold. Its spores spread through the air and can cause allergic reactions and a sharp decrease in immunity. A person gets sick more often, and the recovery process takes longer.

Like in the desert

Lack of moisture in the air at low temperatures leads to hypothermia and dehydration due to increased sweating.

In such air, the level of static electricity increases and the amount of dust increases. The mucous surfaces of the human body dry out. There is a sore throat, dryness in the nasal cavity, and burning in the eyes.

How to increase air humidity

Knowing how to check the air humidity in an apartment, you will see, albeit not an exact, but an approximate picture of the real situation. Thanks to this, you can take the following measures to saturate it with moisture.


As a rule, such devices are designed to operate in rooms up to 150 square meters. The principle of its operation is as follows: water is poured into a special tank to a certain level. When a humidifier operates, water evaporates and saturates the air with its molecules.

There are three types of humidifiers.

Traditional type

The mechanical humidifier accomplishes its mission with the help of a built-in fan. It forces air through a special container with water, as a result of which the air is cleaned of dust and saturated with moisture.

Steam type

Such a device works in the same way as a kettle. The water boils and comes out as steam. Some models have special attachments for inhalation. Thus, the device can be used not only to increase air humidity, but also to treat the respiratory tract.


  • Hot steam, the temperature of which reaches 60 degrees, can cause, if safety rules are not followed, damage to human skin and the surface of nearby objects.
  • High noise level during operation.
  • Quite a lot of electricity consumption.

Ultrasonic type

Such a device, thanks to a built-in special membrane, turns water into steam. It is less noisy than mechanical and steam humidifiers. The presence of a water heating function contributes to the effective fight against microbes in the air.

Works only with distilled water or with special cleaning cartridges to clean and soften the liquid. The latter should be changed regularly.

Traditional methods of increasing humidity

If you don’t have a humidifier, you can use simple folk methods not only to determine the air humidity in the room at home, but also to correct the situation.

In this case, the following measures are suitable:

  • The easiest way is to place a wet towel or sheet on the radiator. When the fabric is heated, the water from it will begin to evaporate. After the towel has dried, it should be wetted again.
  • An analogue of the first method is to place containers of water on heating devices. You will need to add water inside the container every few days.
  • You can place containers of water on pieces of furniture, such as a cabinet. With this method, the water does not evaporate as quickly as with a battery, but still, the humidity increases.
  • For the next method you will need a bowl of water and a bandage. Having placed a cup of water near the radiator, one end of the bandage should be placed in the water, and the other should be secured to the heating element. The water will constantly rise up the threads of the bandage and, with the help of the heat emanating from the battery, evaporate into the air.
  • If the air is too dry, drying washed clothes indoors can moisten them.
  • The presence of a large number of indoor plants has a beneficial effect on normalizing air humidity levels.
  • After showering, leave the bathroom door open. This way you will get rid of excess moisture in the bathroom and saturate the air in other rooms with it.

We use devices

The easiest way to measure air humidity is with a device. It's called a hygrometer. According to the principle of action it happens:

  • by weight;
  • hair;
  • film;
  • electrolytic;
  • ceramic;
  • condensation;
  • electronic;
  • psychrometric.

In domestic conditions, psychrometric, hair, and electronic hygrometers are used. To obtain reliable results, know how they measure air humidity.

The most reliable

Determining air humidity using a psychrometer (from Greek - cold) is not difficult. The operation of the device is based on the fact that the presence of moisture lowers the temperature. The panel is equipped with 2 thermometers and a psychrometric table. The first thermometer is dry, the second is wet. To measure, you need to find the difference in temperature readings. The table shows the air temperature measured by a dry thermometer vertically and the difference in readings horizontally. The intersection of these two lines shows the relative air humidity as a percentage.

The psychrometer is a reliable, fairly simple device for determining humidity, providing accurate information. Requires constant monitoring for the presence of water in the wet thermometer container. Allows you to simultaneously monitor air temperature and humidity.


The oldest and simplest device for measuring humidity is the hair hygrometer. How to find out air humidity using it?

Just look at the arrow, under which there is a scale with divisions every 1%. The principle of operation is based on changing the linear dimensions of objects depending on their saturation with moisture. For such an item, ordinary fat-free hair is used. This is where the name of the device “hair” comes from.

The disadvantage is the large measurement error (about 10%). The advantages are:

  • high sensitivity;
  • quick response to changes in humidity;
  • large measurement range - from 30 to 100%.

Used to determine the relative air humidity in residential areas. Often it is a beautifully designed piece of furniture.

Most modern

How is humidity measured in modern classic and high-tech interiors? Modern design requires modern appliances. One of these is a digital (electronic) hygrometer. It is based on measuring the resistance of electric current when the humidity of the electrolyte changes.

How to measure air humidity at home using a psychrometer

Psychrometers are designed to determine relative humidity. The device operates due to the physical properties of the liquid, in particular its ability to evaporate. This process creates a difference between the wet bulb and dry bulb temperature readings. During evaporation, the liquid loses some of its energy, causing a decrease in temperature. This change is detected by the thermometer.

The psychrometer design consists of a pair of alcohol or mercury psychrometers. As the liquid evaporates, the wet bulb thermometer cools. The lower the air humidity level, the faster the liquid evaporates. In turn, the drier the air, the lower the temperature indicator displayed by wet thermometers. Due to this, there is a difference between the readings.

Psychrometer design

Note! Regardless of the device used to measure air humidity, it should not be installed near radiators or air conditioners, otherwise the measurements will be inaccurate. In addition, you need to monitor the condition of the material for moisture. It should be clean and wet.

Some psychrometric hygrometers require specific temperature conditions. For example, the lowest permissible temperature limit for winter is -15°C, and for summer the highest temperature limit is 40°C. The measurement range depends on the temperature, the air humidity table with environmental indicators can be used as a guide.

Measuring range according to air humidity table:

Air temperature, ºСAcceptable range, %
from 20 to 23from 54 to 90
from 24 to 26from 40 to 90
from 27 to 40from 20 to 90

Air humidity level in a room: how to measure the amount of water vapor

The process of measuring humidity using a psychrometer is very simple. In addition to this value, the device also measures the temperature parameter. As a rule, along with alcohol thermometers mounted on a plastic base, the manufacturer places a psychrometric table of relative air humidity, which allows you to read the readings.

There is one important condition that ensures accurate operation of the device. The psychrometer is extremely sensitive to drafts, so it is recommended to create conditions under which the speed of movement of air masses in the room should not be more than 1 m/sec, otherwise the difference in readings taken from thermometers will be much greater than in reality, which will lead to inaccurate result.

Modern design of a device for measuring air humidity

The psychrometric table of air humidity is used to interpret the psychrometer readings. The first column contains dry bulb temperature readings. The first line displays the difference that occurs during the measurement process between the readings of both thermometers. To get the actual level of relative humidity, you need to take the value that is formed at the intersection of the corresponding parameter from the first column and the first row.

The Assmann psychrometer is an improved modification of the device, which takes measurements more accurately and is not afraid of drafts, since its thermometers are protected from heat and direct sunlight thanks to the metal case.

Psychrometric table

Themselves with a mustache

How to measure humidity if there is no device, and there is no need to buy it due to rare use? Ingenuity, experience of generations, simple objects that are in every home will come to the rescue.

Burn, burn my candle

Introducing the old-fashioned way to determine the humidity in a room. To do this, it is enough to make a moisture meter from a simple candle and a match. Before measuring air humidity:

  • close the doors leading to adjacent rooms;
  • ensure there are no drafts;
  • light a candle;
  • watch the flame.

If the flame sways and the halo has a crimson color, there is a lot of water vapor in the air. If the combustion is evenly vertical and the flame is orange-yellow, the presence of water vapor is normal.

Water, glass, refrigerator

This method makes it possible to measure air humidity at home. This device has only three moisture readings:

  • redundant;
  • normal;
  • insufficient.

Before checking the humidity in the apartment, pour plain cold tap water into a glass glass. Place in the refrigerator for 5-6 hours. The water temperature should be 6 oC.

You can measure either using an outdoor thermometer or a bathroom thermometer. Then place the glass on the table in the room, 1 meter away from the windows and walls. After 10 minutes, evaluate the result:

  • condensation on the outer walls of the glass has concentrated into drops that flow onto the table - excess;
  • the physical state of the condensate has not changed - normal;
  • the condensate has evaporated or it has become significantly less - insufficient.

Measuring device

Today there are several types of household devices for measuring air humidity in rooms or apartments. How is air humidity in rooms measured and determined? Let's take a closer look at all types of hygrometers.


Air humidity can be measured using a thermohygrometer. Let's look at his work. It has a complex system, so it determines not only the moisture level, but also the temperature inside the room. Also, in addition, this device records the values ​​of the moisture state and temperature values ​​​​at various points. That is, he compares the state of two indicators in the place where he is at this moment and in the previous room.

A device for determining air humidity synchronizes the values ​​it received at different points in the building. According to these readings, the thermo-hygrometer gives an overall result of the humidity and temperature values. What technical characteristics does it have?

Let's look at the technical characteristics of the thermohygrometer. The length of the wire is 150 centimeters. Indicators are displayed as percentages, the range of which is from 0 to 90. You can also purchase thermohygrometer models in stores that are wireless.

These models have an additional function: when the moisture level in the room is critical, the measuring device gives a signal that notifies the owner about the poor air condition. It is convenient to use this device(s) or meter when measuring humidity in an apartment.

With this hygrometer you can measure temperature and humidity. You will literally be involved in changing the “weather” at home.


This room apparatus is called in full - a psychrometric hygrometer. How to determine the air humidity in an apartment using a psychrometer? They have two thermometers. One thermometer is called “dry”, which does the standard job of measuring room temperature.

The other thermometer is a wet thermometer because it is inside a water vessel and is wrapped with a cloth wick. It gives an indication of the temperature of the wick, which is wet. The value of this temperature is obtained due to the evaporation of moisture. If the humidity level is low, then evaporation occurs much faster. And vice versa.

Thanks to a psychrometer, you can get the necessary information about the state of your room, that is, determine the air humidity. Today, a psychrometer is often used to control moisture content.

Devices: hair and film

A hair device for measuring indoor air humidity is quite easy to construct. Why is it called that? This type of hygrometer works on the basis of synthetic hair, which is fat-free. How to find out the air humidity on it? How to measure air humidity in an apartment using a hair device?

Due to changes in the air condition, this synthetic low-fat hair also changes its length. It is stretched between the spring and the pointer end. Due to the oscillation of synthetic hair, the arrow moves along the plate with divisions (dial), which gives the general values ​​of the moisture level in the room. Let's discuss the “insides” of the device.

This device for measuring air humidity has a wide range of values ​​- from 0 to 100. Therefore, information about the state of the air flow will be the most accurate. Its main feature is the simplicity of its operation. They are easy to handle so you won't struggle with it while using it. This meter can be placed on the wall in the room - it is quite convenient. Measure and find out information about the condition of the apartment, which will always be before your eyes.

There is another type of hygrometer - a film one. How to check the air humidity in an apartment using it? The film hygrometer is constructed differently, and therefore the operating principle is different from the hair hygrometer. The main distinguishing feature of a film hygrometer is the presence of an element that is sensitive. This component in the device is an organic film. The principle of operation is that the organic film can stretch, or vice versa, shrink - this depends on the state of air humidity in the house. The humidity value is also displayed on the dial.

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If there are relatively low temperatures in a certain humid room, then it is recommended to use hair or film hygrometers. Other devices are simply not suitable for determining the level of humidity in a room; they are practically not used.

Make your own psychrometer

To determine air humidity, you can use an ordinary room mercury thermometer. It can be used to measure air humidity using a psychrometric method. Before measuring the humidity in the room, prepare an ordinary rag and water.

The procedure for checking the presence of water vapor in the air volume with your own hands is as follows:

  • measure the air temperature in the room and record it;
  • wrap the mercury flask of the thermometer with a damp cloth;
  • wait 10 minutes;
  • take and record thermometer readings;
  • calculate the difference between dry and wet measurements;
  • download the psychrometric table;
  • find the humidity level in the room.

Such an air humidity meter does not take up much space, does not require additional costs, and provides the necessary measurement accuracy.

Operating principle of instruments for measuring air humidity

Devices for determining air humidity
Devices that allow you to measure the approximate moisture content have been known since the 18th century. The principle of operation of some of them is based on stretching or deformation of membrane elements or defatted hairs. When the moisture content is stable, the sensitive component should freeze. As the hair index increases, the membrane lengthens.

There are also types of air humidity meters that rely on other parameters - for example, changes in the electrolytic resistance of certain materials or the mass of water absorbed from a certain volume of air.

Modern electronic devices equipped with a temperature sensor rely on its readings and data on the vapor content. Some of them inform the user about the temperature, which eliminates the need to purchase a thermometer.

Normal indicators

It is not enough to determine the air humidity in the room. It is also necessary to know whether the data obtained is normal. The optimal and most comfortable value is 45%. In this case, the acceptable range of changes in air humidity in the apartment is 30 – 60%. In rooms with different functional purposes, it is recommended to maintain different amounts of water vapor:

  • hall, dining room, living room, kitchen, bathroom – 40-60%;
  • bedroom for adults and teenagers – 40-50%;
  • children's room - 45-60%;
  • office - library - 30-40%.

Achieving different indicators of the presence of moisture even in small rooms is quite troublesome. First of all, you need to ensure the humidity level. Most modern living spaces lack it due to the large number of heating and electrical appliances.

This makes you feel worse and reduces your performance. Children suffer the most from this.

The danger of high humidity and dry air

When the saturation of water vapor in the atmosphere decreases, static electricity arises, raising dust particles. Dry air is an optimal environment for the proliferation of microbes and dust mites, so you need to determine the air humidity in the apartment and increase it.

Problems arising in a dry atmosphere:

  • the appearance of dermatitis, peeling and irritation, decreased skin elasticity;
  • redness of the eyes, dryness and burning, drying out of the mucous membrane;
  • headaches and weakness, decreased performance, increased stress on the heart and circulatory system;
  • slow functioning of the digestive system;
  • increased frequency of colds, dry airways;
  • increased allergic reactions to various pathogens.

Plants in a dry microclimate evaporate more water, so their balance is disrupted, leaves curl, dry out and fall off. Colonies of spider mites, whiteflies, and thrips develop on the body of indoor flowers.

An excess of water in the atmosphere is also painful for the human body, as mold, bacteria and fungi multiply.

With high humidity in the room, mold multiplies.
Problems with a damp microclimate:

  • respiratory diseases become more frequent, for example, runny nose, bronchitis, asthma and allergies, sometimes temporary manifestations become chronic;
  • you feel damp and stuffy, it becomes difficult to breathe;
  • The drying time of the wash increases.

Walls and pieces of furniture are covered with a thin layer of mold, and there is a damp smell in the air. Houseplants rot and disappear. The leaves and frames of wooden doors swell and do not close well. In closed rooms, moisture hovers in the atmosphere and gradually settles on surfaces, creating an environment for bacteria.

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