Why is the battery floor hot and the battery floor cold?

Often on construction forums people complain about heating systems - the bottom of the radiator is cold and the top is hot. It is worth noting that any radiator on top is warmer than on the bottom, but if the gap between these temperatures is too large, then most likely there is something wrong with the system. Moreover, this means that the battery produces less thermal energy than it should. After all, everyone knows that the efficiency of heating devices directly depends on the uniform heating of their surfaces.

Today we will try to figure out why this phenomenon occurs and what needs to be done about it.

How to change the battery in an apartment

Previously, we talked about how to quickly and easily replace a heating battery in an apartment with your own hands, how, in addition to this article, we advise you to read this information, read about it here

The main reasons for this phenomenon

The problem of “cold bottom” (let’s call it that) is faced not only by those whose system is equipped with fairly old heat exchangers, but also by people who have installed bimetallic heating radiators. There are many reasons why this problem occurs, so it is difficult to immediately say why the batteries do not warm up evenly enough. Typically, each specific case should be considered individually. So, let's try to figure out the main reasons for this malfunction.

Reason #1. Normal blockage

The very first (because the most common) reason for this phenomenon is contamination of heating radiators. Here are the main reasons for the temperature decrease in the lower part of the device:

  1. low-quality coolant is used;
  2. air has entered the system.

It is worth noting that the working fluid can contain not only heat, but also various solid particles. For example, when the heating season begins, and centralized lines are just starting up, the quality of the working fluid is, to put it mildly, disgusting. Things are much better in the case of an individual heating circuit - contamination can penetrate into it only through an open expansion chamber.

This is all clear, but how can the temperature difference be affected by the presence of air in the system? The explanation for this is very unusual - bacteria are to blame. There is a certain variety of such microorganisms that can exist only in the presence of a sufficient amount of oxygen. Such bacteria are known as anaerobic. There is nothing wrong with them, but their waste products settle at the bottom of the heating radiator in the form of sediment.

Note! It is also worth noting that the working fluid brings sludge into the battery from almost the entire heating line, and it settles there.

Finally, another reason that the bottom of the battery is cold and the top is hot can be considered the special design of the heat exchanger. The liquid moves in it, permanently changing the vector of its own motion. And inside the heat exchanger there is a fairly large number of “secluded places” in which dirt can be deposited.

Video - Cleaning the heating radiator

This reason is more or less clear, so let’s move on to the next one.

Reason #2. Problems with shut-off valves

Sometimes the reason why the temperature of the lower part of the radiator is lower than the upper part can be due to the shut-off valves. In previous articles we have already examined the design features of such reinforcement, so today we will only briefly consider a few main points. The main purpose of shut-off valves in the heating circuit is to regulate, as well as completely/partially block the movement of the working fluid.

The fittings can be the following mechanisms.

  1. Ball valve.
  2. Thermal head, which is equipped with mechanical or electronic control.
  3. Cone valve.

But what does the decrease in temperature at the bottom of the radiator have to do with it, you ask? The fact is that as a result of problems with shut-off valves, the circulation of the working fluid inside the heat exchanger is disrupted. After all, the tap may simply become unusable, which is why the coolant will not flow even in its open position. This, for example, could be a failed damper or any other mechanism failure. It is also worth adding that the correct installation of shut-off valves also plays a very important role in this case.

Note! All taps of this type have an arrow indicating in which direction the working fluid must move in order for the heating line to function normally.

And if the tap is installed incorrectly, then one way or another the movement of the coolant will be disrupted: in this case, it will not matter whether the damper mentioned above is closed or open. We also note that for some types of shut-off valves there are requirements regarding the position in which the valve itself should be located relative to the space. For this reason, in case of problems with the uniform heating of heating devices, the shut-off valves should also be inspected.

The bimetallic radiator does not heat up entirely

Good afternoon There may be a problem that has already bothered you: new bimetallic heating radiators do not warm up completely. I searched and found it, mainly on this site (excellent site). But everyone speaks and writes differently. I'm confused. Dear experts, do not refuse help

So, a new building in the Moscow region, a multi-section 9-10-12-14 storey building (and 2 more technical floors on top). I live on the last one, on the 14th. Single pipe heating system. There were convectors (a pipe with fins bent several times; it was replaced with Sira RS 500 radiators). In the hall there is an inch riser, in the kitchen and bedroom - 3/4. There were 10 sections in the hall, 8 sections in the kitchen and bedroom. Plumbers assure that the pump lifts water through a large-diameter pipe into the attic, where it is distributed to all the risers of the entrance, i.e. supposedly all supply comes from top to bottom. The battery is connected by two ball valves (fully open) and each has a fully open thermal valve. The thermal valve is a full-bore Danfoss valve, mounted correctly, in accordance with the arrow on its body.

As a result, not a single battery fit perfectly. The best result was shown by the one in the hall. In the second photo, in the hall (there are 10 sections) the riser is hot, the sections closest to the riser are hot, then there is a gradient - the last sections are warm. But, again, this is the best result.

In the last photo, in the kitchen, the riser is less hot, 4 sections warm up well, the 5th barely, the remaining three are at room temperature.

In the penultimate photo, in the bedroom (and this is the worst) - the riser is even less hot, only three sections warm up, and then the battery suddenly becomes cold.

I opened the Mayevsky valve, there was no air, I drained half a bucket of water, it didn’t help. If you pay attention, you will see that the bypass is made of 3/4 polypropylene pipe (and all the connections are made of the same material). The craftsmen who did the work said that they narrowed the bypass in the following way: they held the pipe on the soldering iron longer, and when they inserted it into the tee, they specially deformed it, thus narrowing the cross-section. The craftsmen themselves are sure that this is not a matter of the bypass, but that the water is moving slowly in the riser

Another plumber (their competitor), who makes it not with polyprolene, but with electric welding, said that PP is complete cr@#but, and that I was in vain in contacting them, and that the point is only that they were made from PP, and not he welds (but it seems to me that he was still offended that I didn’t call him). But I watched the masters who connected me using PP, they did everything clearly, the first time, my hand was full for years, I never had any assumptions about their unprofessionalism - rather the opposite.

What is not clear is that the temperature in the battery decreases gradiently. I believed that the battery should be the same temperature. I specifically looked at it at work - a bimetallic radiator of 8 sections, a side connection like mine, the riser is not hot, but warm, and the entire battery is completely warm, all heated up equally, without a gradient. Where does my gradient come from? And why are only 3 sections heated in the bedroom?

I’m just at a loss - the house is new, the batteries are new, I paid a lot of money for them, and they don’t heat up. Who is to blame and what should I do?

What are the reasons for radiators not fully warming up?

  • The last radiator in the heating system does not heat up - the reason is insufficient power of the circulation pump, non-observance of angles and slopes when installing the pipeline.
  • The lower part of the heating radiator does not warm up completely - this problem is usually typical for aluminum heating radiators. In some cases, the cause is an incorrectly set mode of the thermostat installed on the coolant supply to the battery.

How to eliminate uneven heat transfer

Not all problems can be solved on your own. Poor heat transfer from the radiator may be a consequence of non-compliance with the slopes, indicating gross violations in the installation of the heating system. In this case, you will have to invite a specialist in heating systems.

Some heating problems can be fixed on your own.

    Air locks - air in the heating system is an inevitable consequence of filling pipes and radiators with coolant. A characteristic sign of the problem is that the radiator is warm at the bottom and cold at the top. If the section heats up unevenly, you can try to bleed air from the system using the Mayevsky valve. Some owners initially install an automatic air release valve.

Why is half the battery cold?

In this case, the following situations are considered:

  • incorrect connection of the radiator;

When the radiator is not connected correctly.

The main reason why the battery is half cold may be that it is connected incorrectly. According to the rules for installing heating equipment in a heating circuit, the pipe supplying hot coolant must be connected to the top of the battery. The cold pipe or return, on the contrary, is to its lower part. Also read: “Radiator brackets.”

How can we explain this?

You need to take into account the laws of physics and remember that hot water is much lighter than cold water, and therefore is located in the upper part of the heating device. Gradually releasing its thermal energy to the surrounding air, the coolant cools down. Its density, and hence its weight, increases. He goes down. That is why often half of the battery is cold and half is hot.

The difference in pressure at the top and bottom of the radiator causes the coolant to move from top to bottom. If the supply and return pipes are reversed, then the battery only heats up half. In this case, it is necessary to correctly install the heating device.

Why is it cold in the apartment with hot radiators and what to do?


WOMEN TO MEN: You are primitive, you don’t go to the theater, you’re selfish, you don’t like children, everything lies with women, a man is visible in his attitude towards women (women put themselves as a measure of male morality?!), women are the better half of humanity (that means there is a worse one - men?!), the slightest criticism of women entails - you are a misogynist (women know how to silence men), men do not know how difficult it is for women in life (women are monopolists of suffering?!), men have no right to Suffer ? You are lazy, you drink. JEWS - NOT JEWS: You are primitive, you have no history, slave psychology, everything in the world was invented by Jews, only Jews attend cultural events, a person is visible in his attitude towards Jews (Jews have defined themselves as a criterion of non-Jewish morality?!). The slightest criticism of Jews entails that you are an anti-Semite (Jews know how to silence non-Jews). Jews are the Chosen People (which means there is also a non-chosen people, the worst people are not Jews?!). Jews are a long-suffering people; other peoples do not have the right to Suffer (are Jews monopolists of suffering?!). You are lazy, you drink. This constant female-Jewish base propaganda is very accurately described by Confucius: “Beware of the person who wants to make you feel guilty, because he wants to rule over you!” All this does not exist secretly, secretly, but is stated in a surprisingly boorish manner, loudly, loudly, continuously: women to men, Jews to non-Jews. Moreover, women live entirely at the expense of men, and Jews live at the expense of non-Jews. Eduard Khodos, a Jewish pop schismatic, aptly said about this: “Jews are the only people in the world who live at the expense of other peoples!”


(((From the book of the Austrian Jew Otto Weinniger “Gender and Character.” Regarding bullying, as a trait characteristic of women and Jews, Otto Weinniger brilliantly said: “Jews and women are an intolerant breed, and they do not know how to forgive - vindictiveness is in their blood ".))) =========================

Otto Weinniger: “A Jew who does not come from the supersensible, like a humorist, and does not rush there, like an eroticist, has no reason to belittle the value of this phenomenon, and therefore life for him never turns into either a buffoon or a mental hospital. Humor is tolerable in nature. Satire, as the opposite of humor, is by nature intolerant, and therefore it is more in keeping with the true nature of the Jew, and also of the woman.

Jews and women lack humor, but are prone to mockery.

There was even a satire writer in Rome named Sulpicia. Intolerance of satire leads to the fact that a person becomes impossible in society. A humorist who knows how to eliminate sadness and sorrow in himself and in other people over the trifles and pettiness of life is the most welcome guest in any society. For humor, like love, removes all sorts of mountains from the path. It is a special form of attitude towards people who contribute to the development of social life, i.e. communication between people under the banner of a higher idea. The Jew is completely devoid of social life, while the Englishman is extremely social.” ========================================================== For complete clarity, you need to contact this company add Caucasians and criminals. Namely, Caucasians, being among non-Caucasians, consider themselves superior to non-Caucasians, despise physical labor and rush into trade, like Jews, and criminals oppose themselves to the rest of the world. And all four of these groups are endowed with arrogance and a claim to special privileges, a claim unknown to other groups in Russian society. PSYCHOLOGICALLY, WOMEN, JEWS, CAUCASIANS AND CRIMINAL PEOPLE ARE SIMILAR IN THE BELIEF IN THEIR EXCLUSIVITY WITH THE DEMAND TO HAVE SPECIAL RIGHTS, AND IT IS THESE FOUR GROUPS IN RUSSIAN SOCIETY THAT ARE DISTURBERS.

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